A one-semester internship in a state, federal or private forensic or toxicological
laboratory is a graduation requirement for this program. Background checks are highly
likely to be a condition for internship or future employment. All students should
prepare for this accordingly. Details of the internship requirement are in the student
handbook accessed through the Forensic Majors page on D2L.
The internship coordinator will work with you upon receiving your application to place
you in our partnering laboratories if there are available positions. If you secure
an internship at a lab that is not one of our partnering labs, work with the internship
coordinator to ensure it meets the program requirements.
Postings of competitive openings in labs are routinely updated on the program D2L
Examples of past internships include Medical Examiner Offices, Animal Toxicology laboratories,
Clinical Toxicology laboratories, local and state forensic laboratories, and federal
forensic laboratories,