Research Activities

Students! Interested in participating in research with a faculty member? Browse faculty research areas, read detailed faculty research profiles here, and contact the faculty member to enquire about opportunities.

Current Grants

FY2023 Provost’s Research Grant (PRG): Forensic Science Undergraduate Research Experience, Monica Joshi and Constantinos Pistos

FY2024 Provost’s Research Grant (PRG): Electronic Cigarette-Derived Phthalates Impact on Male Gonadal Tissue, Thomas Kwiatkowski

Provost’s Enrollment Planning Investment grants: Chemistry Living and Learning Community, Kimberly Mullane, Zachary Voras, Denine Rocco, and Leah Tobin

National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Program (NSF MRI): Acquisition at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution of a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope for West Chester University, Kurt W Kolasinski, Brandon Mitchell, Hal Bosbyshell, LeeAnn Srogi, John Pisciotta

Research in Mathematics and the Sciences (RIMS) Award: Controlling the Surface Chemistry of Porous Silicon for Biomedical Applications, Kurt W Kolasinski

National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Program (NSF MRI), Acquisition of a Tunable Ultrafast Spectroscopy System at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution to Enhance Undergraduate Training, Brandon Mitchell, Kurt W Kolasinski, Jingqiu Hu, Eric S Sweet, Abbie Ganas

FY2024 Provost’s Research Grant (PRG): “Photocatalytic Conversion of CO2 as an Undergraduate Research Experience” Danielle Chirdon

2023 Tech Fee Grant: Gas Chromatograph for Light gas separation, Danielle Chirdon

Conference Attendance


Kurt W. Kolasinski, Elected co-Vice Chair for the 2025 Gordon Research Conference, Dynamics at Surfaces in Newport, RI.


Kurt W. Kolasinski, nominated to the Symposium Organizing Committee for the Pits and Pores 10 Symposium at the Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science (PRiME 2024) in Honolulu, HI.


Monica Joshi, Chair of “Research from our Emerging Forensic Scientists” session at Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS) 2023.

Evaluation of Gas Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry for the Identification of Organic Gunshot Residues from Known Shooters and Non-Shooters, Thomas Ledergerber, Monica Joshi, Luis Arroyo, and Tatiana Trejos. Collaboration between West Chester University and West Virginia University.

Volker, B*.; Hu, J. Detection of copper (II) ions with a fluorescent "turn off" sensor in 100% aqueous solution, American Chemical Society national meeting, San Francisco, CA, August 2023

Nelson, P*.; Azam, A. Electronic Cigarette-Derived Phthalates Impact on Male Gonadal Tissues, Regional Microbiology Educators' 16th Annual Student Research Symposium at Saint Joseph's University, July 2023

Monica Joshi*, Blake Kerstetter, Kirk Lokits, A Study Comparing the Use of Agilent® QP Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) for Screening and Gas Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS/MS) for the Confirmation of Smokeless Powders, 75th Annual AAFS Scientific Conference, February 16, 2023

Surface Chemistry of Aqueous Solutions in Contact with Porous and Non-Porous Silica Micro- & Nano-particles, Gordon Research Conference on Dynamics at Surfaces, Newport, RI, USA July 2023


Chirdon, D. N. et al. “Comparative Coordination Chemistry of PNP and SNS Pincer Ruthenium Complexes.” Oral presentation at the ACS National Fall Meeting, Virtual, August 2022.

Presentations and Publications


Minimal expression of dysferlin prevents development of dysferlinopathy in dysferlin exon 40a knockout mice, Yasa, J., Reed, C.E., Bournazos, A.M. et al. , acta neuropathol commun 11, 15 (2023).
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Y. Li, K. W. Kolasinski, R. N. Zare, Silica particles convert thiol-containing molecules to disulfides, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2023, 120, e2304735120
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GC–MS analysis of eight aminoindanes using three derivatization reagents. Rose, AR, Joshi, M, Staretz, ME, Wood, M, Brettell, TA,  J Forensic Sci. 2023; 68: 1148–1161.
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Forensic seized drug analysis: Current challenges and emerging analytical solutions. Joshi, M., & Sisco, E.  WIREs Forensic Science, 2023, e1486.
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Fluorescent turn-off sensor for Cu2+ and Fe3+ ions in 100% aqueous media with a biocompatible polymer, Hu, J.; Griffith, J. B. ; Elioff, M., J. Photochem. Photobiol. A Photochem. 2023, 443, 11848-11857
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The C2 domains of dysferlin: roles in membrane localization, Ca2+ signaling and sarcolemmal repair. Muriel J, Lukyanenko V, Kwiatkowski T, Bhattacharya S, Garman D, Weisleder N, Bloch RJ. Journal of Physiology (2022).
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M. L. Comroe, K. W. Kolasinski, D. Saha, Direct Ink 3D Printing of Porous Carbon Monoliths for Gas Separations, Molecules 2022, 27, 5653.
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J. A. DiPietro, K. W. Kolasinski, Characterization of Mechanochemical Modification of Porous Silicon with Arginine, Surfaces 2022, 5, 143-154.
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K. W. Kolasinski, Compositions Comprising Microparticles and Methods of Using the Same, US patent application 63/429,520 (2022).

A fluorescent turn-on sensor for mercury (II) ions in near neutral poly(metharylic acid) solution, Graves, M.; Elioff, M. S. ; Knorr, E. S.; Griffith, J. B. ; Hu, J., Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 282 (2022), 121702-12711
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M. L. Comroe, K. W. Kolasinski, D. Saha, Direct Ink 3D Printing of Porous Carbon Monoliths for Gas Separations, Molecules 2022, 27, 5653.

J. A. DiPietro* and K. W. Kolasinski, Characterization of Mechanochemical Modification of Porous Silicon with Arginine, Surfaces, 5 (2022) 143.

C. Pistos, Applicability of Volumetric Absorptive Microsampling in pediatric population. What is the future?, IATDMCT Compass, 21(2) (2022) 3.


D. Saha, P. Gismondi, K. W. Kolasinski, S. L. Shumlas, S. Rangan, B. Eslami, A. McConnell, T. V. Bui, K. Cunfer, Fabrication of Electrospun Nanofiber composite of g-C3N4 and Au Nanoparticles as Plasmonic Photocatalyst, Surfs. Interfaces 2021, 26, 101367.

K. W. Kolasinski, Metal-Assisted Catalytic Etching (MACE) for Nanofabrication of Semiconductor Powders, Micromachines 2021, 12, 776.

K.W. Kolasinski, A Tribute to Professor Gaetano Granozzi and His Contributions to Surface Science on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Surfaces 4 (2021) 293-294.

K. W. Kolasinski, Photochemical and Nonthermal Chemical Modification of Porous Silicon, in Porous Silicon for Biomedical Applications (Ed.: H. Santos), Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier), Duxford, UK, 2021, pp. 51-112. ISBN 978-0-12-821677-4.


K. Tamarov, J. D. Swanson,* B. A. Unger,* K. W. Kolasinski, A. T. Ernst, M. Aindow, V.-P. Lehto, J. Riikonen, Controlling the nature of etched Si nanostructures: High versus low load metal-assisted catalytic etching (MACE) of Si powders, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 4787-4796.

K. Tamarov, R. Kiviluoto,* J. D. Swanson,* B. A. Unger,* A. T. Ernst, M. Aindow, J. Riikonen, V.-P. Lehto, K. W. Kolasinski, Low-Load Metal-Assisted Catalytic Etching Produces Scalable Porosity in Si Powders, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 48969-48981.

K. W. Kolasinski, J. D. Swanson, B. Roe,* T. Lee,* Response of Photoluminescence of H-Terminated and Hydrosilylated Porous Si Powders to Rinsing and Temperature


E. Mäkilä, A.-M. Anton Willmore, H. Yu, M. Irri, M. Aindow, T. Teesalu, L. T. Canham, K. W. Kolasinski, J. Salonen, Hierarchical Nanostructuring of Porous Silicon with Electrochemical and Regenerative Electroless Etching, ACS Nano 2019, 13, 13056-13064.

K. W. Kolasinski, B. A. Unger,* A. T. Ernst, M. Aindow, Crystallographically Determined Etching and Its Relevance to the Metal-Assisted Catalytic Etching (MACE) of Silicon Powders, Frontiers in Chemistry 2019, 6, 651.

A. T. Ernst, K. W. Kolasinski, B. A. Unger,* M. Aindow, Effect of Metal-Assisted Catalytic Etching (MACE) on Single-Crystal Si Wafers With Faceted Macropores, Microsc. Microanal. 2019, 25, 2124-2125.

K. W. Kolasinski and B. A. Unger*, Injection Metal Assisted Catalytic Etching, Patent Application No. US 62/881,636 (2019).

K. W. Kolasinski, J. Salonen, E. Mäkilä, Regenerative Electroless Etching, Patent No. US 10,590,562 B2 (2019).

K. W. Kolasinski, Surface Science: Foundations of Catalysis and Nanoscience, 4th ed., Wiley, Chichester, 2019.

Publications from 2018 & Earlier


Kurt W. Kolasinski, Bret A. Unger,* Haibo Yu, Alexis T. Ernst, Mark Aindow, Ermei Mäkilä, and Jarno Salonen, Hierarchical Porous Silicon and Porous Silicon Nanowires Produced with Regenerative Electroless Etching (ReEtching) and Metal Assisted Catalytic Etching (MACE), ECS Trans. 86, 65-70 (2018).

Shannon C. Knight, Bret A. Unger* and Kurt W. Kolasinski, Crystallographically Defined Silicon Macropore Membranes, Open Mater. Sci. 4, 33-41 (2018).

Porous Silicon Formation by Stain Etching, Kurt W. Kolasinski, in Handbook of Porous Silicon, 2nd Edition, edited by Leigh T. Canham, (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2014) pp. 35–48.">Porous Silicon Formation by Stain Etching, Kurt W. Kolasinski, in Handbook of Porous Silicon, 2nd Edition, edited by Leigh T. Canham, (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2018) pp. 35–48.

K. W. Kolasinski, M. C. Gupta, L. V. Zhigilei, Plume and Nanoparticle Formation During Laser Ablation, in Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry, Vol. 2 (Ed.: K. Wandelt), Elsevier, Oxford, 2018, pp. 594-603.


K. W. Kolasinski, N. J. Gimbar,* H. Yu, M. Aindow, E. Mäkilä, J. Salonen, Regenerative Electroless Etching of Silicon, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 2017, 55, 624-627.

K. W. Kolasinski, Porous Silicon Formation by Stain Etching, in Handbook of Porous Silicon, 2nd ed. (Ed.: L. T. Canham), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2017, pp. 1-21.

K. W. Kolasinski, Porous Silicon Formation by Galvanic Etching, in Handbook of Porous Silicon (Ed.: L. Canham), Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017, pp. 1-13.

C. Cozzi, G. Polito, K. W. Kolasinski, G. Barillaro, Controlled Fabrication of High-Aspect-Ratio Microstructures in Silicon at Etching Rates Beyond State-of-the-Art Microstructuring Technologies, ECS Trans. 2017, 77, 199-205.

C. Cozzi, G. Polito, K. W. Kolasinski, G. Barillaro, Controlled Microfabrication of High-Aspect-Ratio Structures in Silicon at the Highest Etching Rates: The Role of H2O2 in the Anodic Dissolution of Silicon in Acidic Electrolytes, Adv. Func. Mater. 2017, 27, 1604310.


K. W. Kolasinski, Subtractive methods to form pyrite and sulfide nanostructures of Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 2016, 20, 371-373.

K. W. Kolasinski, Electron transfer during metal-assisted and stain etching of silicon, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 2016, 31, 014002.

K. W. Kolasinski, Physical Chemistry: How Chemistry Works, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2016.

K. W. Kolasinski, D. A. Znamensky, A. S. Ganas,* H. M. Snodgrass,* G. J. Sturgeon,* J. L. Hernández-Pozos,The effects of laser ablation texturing and nanoparticles on anodic nanotube and porous film formation, ECS Trans. 2016, 75, 3-8.


K. W. Kolasinski, W. B. Barclay,* Y. Sun, M. Aindow, The stoichiometry of metal assisted etching of Si in V2O5 + HF and HOOH + HF solutions, Electrochim. Acta 2015, 158, 219-228.

K. W. Kolasinski, The Mechanism of Metal-Assisted Etching, in Porous Silicon: From Formation to Application: Formation and Properties, Vol. 1 (Ed.: G. Korotcenkov), CRC Press, Boca Roton, 2015, pp. 291-304.

A. S. Ganas,* D. A. Znamensky, N. M. Alba, J. L. Hernández-Pozos, K. W. Kolasinski, Porous Layers Composed of Oxide Crystallites Formed by the Combination of Laser Ablation and Anodization of Metal, ECS Trans. 2015, 69, 155-160.


K. W. Kolasinski, New Approaches to the Production of Porous Silicon by Stain Etching, in Nanostructured Semiconductors: From Basic Research to Applications (Eds.: P. Granitzer, K. Rumpf), Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore, 2014, pp. 45-84.

K. W. Kolasinski, Bubbles: A review of their relationship to the formation of thin films and porous materials, Mesoporous Biomater. 2014, 1, 49-60.

K. W. Kolasinski, The mechanism of galvanic/metal-assisted etching of silicon, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 2014, 9, 432.

K. W. Kolasinski, Photochemical and nonthermal chemical modification of porous silicon for biomedical applications, in Porous silicon for biomedical applications (Ed.: H. Santos), Woodhead Publishing, London, 2014, pp. 52-80.

K. W. Kolasinski, Porous Silicon Formation by Galvanic Etching, in Handbook of Porous Silicon, 2nd ed. (Ed.: L. T. Canham), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2014, pp. 23-33.

K. W. Kolasinski, Porous Silicon Formation by Stain Etching, in Handbook of Porous Silicon, 2nd ed. (Ed.: L. T. Canham), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2014, pp. 35-48.


K. W. Kolasinski, W. B. Barclay,* The Stoichiometry of Electroless Silicon Etching in Solutions of V2O5 and HF, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 2013, 52, 6731-6734.

K. W. Kolasinski, W. B. Barclay,* Stain Etching of Silicon with and without the Aid of Metal Catalysts, ECS Trans. 2013, 50, 25-30.


K. W. Kolasinski, J. W. Gogola,* W. B. Barclay,* A test of Marcus theory predictions for electroless etching of silicon, J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 21472-21481.

K. W. Kolasinski, J. W. Gogola,* Electroless Etching of Si with IO3- and related Species, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 2012, 7, 323.

K. W. Kolasinski, Surface Science: Foundations of Catalysis and Nanoscience, 3rd ed., Wiley, Chichester, 2012.


K. W. Kolasinski, J. Yadlovskiy,* Stain etching of Silicon with V2O5, Phys. Status Solidi C 2011, 8, 1749-1753.

K. W. Kolasinski, J. W. Gogola,* Rational Design of Etchants for Electroless Porous Silicon Formation, ECS Trans. 2011, 33, 23-28.


K. W. Kolasinski, J. D. Hartline,* B. T. Kelly,* J. Yadlovskiy,* Dynamics of Porous Silicon Formation by Etching in HF + V2O5 Solutions, Mol. Phys. 2010, 108, 1033-1043.

K. W. Kolasinski, Charge Transfer and Nanostructure Formation During Electroless Etching of Silicon, J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 22098-22105.

Falcone, Jr., J. S.; Bass, J. L.; Brensinger, K.; Schenk, E. R.; Angelella, M. “Quantitative Analysis of aqueous sodium silicate using FT-IR” I&EC Research (2010) 49(14), 6287.

Falcone, J. S., Jr.; Bass, J. L.; Krumrine, P. H.; Brensinger, K.; Schenk, S. R. “Characterizing the Infrared Bands of Aqueous Soluble Silicates” J. Physical Chemistry A (2010) 114, 2438.


M. E. Dudley,* K. W. Kolasinski, Stain etching with Fe(III), V(V) and Ce(IV) to form microporous silicon, Electrochem. Solid State Lett. 2009, 12, D22-D26.

M. E. Dudley,* K. W. Kolasinski, Structure and photoluminescence studies of porous silicon formed in ferric ion containing stain etchants, Phys. Status Solidi A 2009, 206, 1240-1244.


K. W. Kolasinski, Growth and Etching of Semiconductors, in Handbook of Surface Science: Dynamics, Vol. 3 (Eds.: E. Hasselbrink, I. Lundqvist), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2008, pp. 787-870.

M. E. Dudley,* K. W. Kolasinski, Stain Etching with Ferric Ion to Produce Thick Porous Silicon Films, ECS Trans. 2008, 16, 323-328.

M. E. Dudley,* K. W. Kolasinski, Wet Etching of Pillar Covered Silicon Surface: Formation of Crystallographically Defined Macropores, J. Electrochem. Soc. 2008, 155, H164-H171.


K. W. Kolasinski, Solid Structure Formation During the Liquid/Solid Phase Transition, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 2007, 11, 76-85.

K. W. Kolasinski, M. E. Dudley,* B. K. Nayak, M. C. Gupta, Pillars formed by laser ablation and modified by wet etching, Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 2007, 6586, 65860H.

* indicates undergraduate authors