
Research and Community Service Events


The University of Health & Wellness has been designed to provide you with health screenings and information regarding services available to you, and how to find ad access those services.

Experts will be available to discuss:

  • Chester County Dept. of Aging – (Over of Services)
  • Senior Centers in Chester County
  • Vision & Macular Degeneration
  • Dental Information and Awareness
  • APPRISE Program (Medicare and Medicaid Counseling)
  • Diet and Diet Planning
  • Affordable Housing
  • Emergency Preparedness

Health Screening Session include:

  • Hearing Loss Clinic
  • Memory Clinic
  • Oral Cancer Screening
  • Health Screenings Clinic by the C.C. Health Dept.
    • Blood Pressure Screening
    • Hydration Screening
    • Fall Risk Screening
    • Shingles Vaccine Clinic



Civic Engagement Projects in Aging: Past and Present

Coordinator Project Contact
Barbara Harrison (McPherson)
Associate Professor, Dept of Nursing, West Chester University of PA
  1. One of 4 researchers, who completed an 8-week Fall prevention program at 2 local senior centers.
  2. Nursing students in Community Health Course (NSG 311) complete community Assessments and Teaching projects
  3. Teaches Theories of Aging courses and will be teaching an Intro to Aging course.
  4. Works as a GNP 4 hours/week for Christiana Care in Memory eval clinic (Team Captain of Nursing group at the Wilmington Alzheimer's Walk - raising over $1,000.00)
Email Barbara Harrison


Mary Braz, Ph.D.
Department of Communication Studies,
West Chester University of PA
Grandparents University - Established by Communication Studies professor Mary Braz in 2010, Grandparents University brings children and their grandparents to campus for a few days each summer to experience the fun and excitement of college life. Numerous faculty from the Department of Communication Studies are involved with Grandparents University, including Dr. Michael Boyle, Dr. Tim Brown, Dr. Denise Polk, Dr. Anita Foeman and Dr. Meghan Peirce. Email Mary Braz
Karen J. Mitchell, Ph.D
Assistant Professor,
Department of Psychology West Chester University of PA
Research titled: Reducing Need for Cognitive Control Does Not Improve Older Adults’ Explicit Source Memory. In a study conducted with several WCU students, the researchers manipulated the degree of cognitive control needed during retrieval and assessed source memory. Findings were consistent with other findings in the literature that suggest that under the explicit task instructions used, older adults' source memory deficits are not alleviated by a presumed decrease in the need for cognitive control. That is to say, older adults find it more difficult than young adults to adopt and enact instructed strategies for improving their source memory. For more information regarding this study, please contact the coordinator. Email Karen Mitchell


A Celebration of Life-Long Learning

Sharing the results of Assessments and Programs with the University, the local community, and the region.

Celebration of Age Friendly West Chester

Claudia Hellebush, speaking at Age-Friendly West Chester celebration
Dr. Lorraine Bernotsky Speaking at Age-Friendly West Chester celebration
Students, Professor Tahmaseb-McConatha and mayor Carolyn Comitta Celebrating Age-Friendly West Chester
Senior citizens with WCU stundents sitting at tables
WCU President Dr. Greg Weisenstein speaking at Age-Friendly West Chester celebration
WC mayor Carolyn Comitta speaking at Age-Friendly West Chester celebration

Poster and Research Presentations (2015-2016)

Combating Ageism and promoting social participation and civic engagement.

Fall 2015 All Science Research Poster Presentation on Third Spaces and Well Being
male student with male professor standing in front of a poster
female students standing in front of poster
Female students standing in front of poster



International and Regional presentations on Age-Friendly West Chester research that encompasses combating Ageism, Intergenerational learning, and Health and Well-being in later life.

Association for Women in Psychology 2016 Conference Slide
Aging Society: Fifth Interdisciplinary Conference Slide


Careers in Aging Day

West Chester University’s careers in aging event.

male student and female student standing in front of steps and poster


Spa Day at the Senior Center

Students held a day of pampering for older adults residents of West Chester, integrating intergenerational communication and participation.

elderly woman showing holding up her hands showing her polished fingernails
two elderly woman making crafts
elderly woman receiving a manicure
elderly woman receiving a manicure from a student
elderly woman receiving a manicure
elderly woman sitting in a chair holding a cane
elderly woman decorating a basket with silk flowers
two elderly women sitting at a table with crafts


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