Faculty Mentoring Program
Building and sustaining a mentoring culture on a higher education campus has been shown to play a critical role in faculty retention and success. The Faculty Mentoring Program (FMP), established in 2008, is open to all part-time and full-time academic and administrative faculty, as defined by the most recent CBA. The FMP offers three targeted programs to support faculty at every career stage: new full-time tenure-track faculty, faculty desiring to seek promotion, and adjunct faculty.
Looking for a mentor?
Please contact the Faculty Mentoring Committee Co-Chairs, Ralph Sorrentino (rsorrentino@wcupa.edu) and Michelle Blake (mblake@wcupa.edu).
Want to be a mentor?
Look for a "call for mentors" coming via email from the TLC. This is usually sent out in late Spring for mentoring the following academic year.
You can also submit your name at anytime to the Faculty Mentoring Committee Co-Chairs, Ralph Sorrentino (rsorrentino@wcupa.edu) and Michelle Blake (mblake@wcupa.edu).