Professional Learning Communities

Faculty learning communities (FLCs) provide a space for educators to engage with an interdisciplinary group of peers over an extended period. They provide a platform for meaningful collaboration, peer learning, and support for enhancing teaching practice. FLCs meet regularly in a semester or year-long program to collaborate and engage in reflection on topics connected to teaching improvement. As a specific form of community of practices, these opportunities help educators connect to peers across disciplines, engage in scholarly dialogue on evidence-based pedagogy, and share feedback and support while exploring specific topics and projects.

Questions about FLCs may be directed to the Teaching and Learning Center at

Teaching Circles

The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) invites you to join our Spring 2025 Teaching Circle focused on teaching about systems of power, inequality and privilege. The idea for this teaching circle was inspired by conversations with colleagues who wanted to connect with others who are teaching about power, privilege and structural inequalities in their courses.  
Teaching circles are opportunities for faculty to engage in ongoing dialogue and peer learning. The goal for this teaching circle is to provide a supportive space for sharing reflections, challenges, resources and strategies for teaching about historically marginalized groups and dimensions of identity (gender, race, class, ethnicity, religion, disability, and sexuality). 
Specific topics that will be discussed will be based on the interests of the participants and may include some of the following: 

  • evidence-based practices for creating inclusive classroom environments that encourage deep learning and meaningful dialogue  
  • strategies for teaching theoretical frameworks that illuminate structural inequalities 
  • approaches for connecting historical marginalization to contemporary social issues 
  • ideas for assignments that promote critical analysis of systemic power dynamics 
  • facilitating discussions about privilege, oppression, and intersectionality

This teaching circle welcomes faculty at all experience levels who may currently or plan to teach courses on historically marginalized groups and structural inequalities or want to incorporate these topics into existing courses.

Format and Schedule

We will meet from 12:30 to 1:30pm on the first Thursday of every month beginning in February and ending in May.  Meetings will be held in person with an option for hybrid based on the group preferences. 
Beyond our monthly meetings, participants should expect to spend 1-2 hours per month reviewing materials and preparing for discussions. While regular attendance is encouraged to build community, we understand schedules can be unpredictable.


To express interest in participating, please complete the online Teaching Circle registration form by January 31, 2025. Space is limited to 10 participants to ensure meaningful interaction and discussion. 
For questions or additional information, please contact the TLC at  

Teaching Triangles

The Teaching Triangles program involves three faculty members in a triad who agree to visit each other’s classes over the semester and meet to discuss what they have learned about their own teaching from the observations. The process is non-evaluative and is based on reciprocity, shared responsibility, and mutual respect. Modeled after the program developed by Anne Wessely of St. Louis Community College, the focus is on self-reflection, rather than peer evaluation, critique, or providing feedback or advice about their teaching. Partners observe each other to gather ideas on different teaching approaches that might be used in their own classes. 
This is an opportunity for faculty members to learn from each other’s teaching practices in a respectful and supportive environment. As partners observe each other's teaching, they will reflect on and later dialog with each other on questions such as:

  • Could I do something like that?
  • Would that approach work with the content I teach?
  • I might be able to use that, but what would I need to change so that it better fits with my teaching style?
  • Are my students ready for a strategy like that?

The intent of the Teaching Squares program is to help you contemplate current teaching practices as you consider some potential alternatives. 

Program Expectations

Participants in the program can expect to spend approximately 8 hours over the semester doing the following: 

  • Attend an initial meeting early in the semester to discuss logistics and establish expectations. (1 hour) 
  • Observe at least one class session of each of the triad partners. (3+ hours) 
  • Provide syllabi and other relevant information about the classes that partners will be visiting.
  • Write personal reflections after each observation. (1 hour) 
  • Participate in post-observation meetings after every class observation. (1.5 hours) 
  • Attend a wrap-up meeting towards the end of the semester to share reflections and insights. (1.5 hours)


Participating in Teaching Squares provides you the opportunity to: 

  • See and celebrate good teaching in action 
  • Build community with colleagues in different disciplines who share your passion for teaching 
  • Enhance your own teaching practices  

This opportunity is open to all faculty (including adjunct professors) at West Chester University; selection is based on teaching schedules. If you are interested in participating in this program in Spring 2025, please complete the Teaching Triangles registration form. You will be notified of your acceptance and triangle assignment in January.   
If you have any questions about the program, please contact the TLC at

Diversity and Inclusion Faculty Learning Community

Our campus reflects the diversity of our world. Students bring varied backgrounds, experiences, aspirations, and talents to our classrooms, along with differing needs for navigating academia and achieving success. 
As instructors, we can support this diversity by creating learning environments where every student thrives. Inclusive teaching is key to this goal. This approach recognizes our students' diverse needs, celebrates their unique identities and experiences, and focuses on reducing barriers while providing targeted support to enhance learning. 



We invite all faculty members who are interested in improving their inclusive teaching methods and promoting equitable learning outcomes to apply for the 2024-2025 Diversity and Inclusion Faculty Learning Community (DI FLC). This year-long program will take place during the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters. By participating in the FLC, you will join a multidisciplinary group of faculty members who will collaborate to explore and enhance equitable and inclusive teaching practices. Our goal is to create supportive and inclusive learning environments where all students feel a strong sense of belonging. We encourage you to watch our video to hear experiences and reflections from previous participants of the DI FLC.

This FLC is sponsored by the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and will be facilitated by Dr. Kimberly E. Johnson (College of Health Sciences) and Dr. Tiffany Bennett (College of Education and Social Work). Questions about this FLC or the application process should be directed to Dr. Johnson (

The deadline for WCU faculty interested in participating in this FLC to submit applications is September 20, 2024.


Faculty engage in readings, discussion, case studies, and workshop activities to increase skill, knowledge in promoting diverse and inclusive learning environments. Six meetings (three per semester) allow faculty to work with peers to increase understandings. Faculty will have the opportunity to steer and construct topics and guidelines.

Topics Covered

  • Course content and planning
    • Assumptions about students
    • Fairness in the classroom
    • Strategies for creating an inclusive syllabus
    • Rules for respectful dialogues and discussions
    • Use of “evidence” and respect for “other ways of knowing”
    • Unconscious bias, personal bias, institutionalized bias, and stereotype threat
  • Handling conflicts and challenges
    • Emic/etic voices in course materials
    • Microaggressions and microinterventions
    • Navigating discomfort, shame, and difficult conversations
    • Cultural competence, cultural humility, cultural sensitivity, and other theories
    • How faculty can respond to awareness of both students’ and their own bias


Each participant of the FLC will receive a stipend of $500 for the year. 


The FLC is open to all faculty (full-time or adjunct faculty) at WCU.  

Expectations of Participants

FLC Participants are expected to: 
  • Attend all FLC meetings (virtual: 6 each) during the academic year. The meetings will be held on Thursdays from 5:30pm to 8pm on the following tentative dates:  
    • October 17, 2024 
    • November 14, 2024 
    • December 5, 2024 
    • February 13, 2025 
    • March 20, 2025 
    • April 17, 2025 (tentative guest speaker) 
  • Actively contribute to FLC discussions, complete readings to prepare, and produce syllabi or lesson plans incorporating guidelines 
  • Contribute resources, such as articles and readings, and substantive discussion

General Education ePortfolio Faculty Learning Community

The General Education Council and CAPC Executive Committee, with support of the Provost’s Office, invite applications for faculty to participate in a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) centered on the Gen Ed Google Sites ePortfolio. This cohort of instructors will share experiences and provide feedback on e-portfolio artifacts, reflection prompts, and completed portfolios over the course of the fall semester.  
WCU has been participating in the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AACU) 2023 Institute on e-Portfolios, with a 5 person team of faculty and staff members working closely with an AACU faculty advisor to learn and apply best practices regarding the use of e-portfolios in higher education. The design of this FLC is an outgrowth of the Institute team’s experiences.  
WCU uses Google Sites as its General Education e-Portfolio (GEP) platform. When fully implemented, students will be required to upload artifacts from each General Education course to their GEP and, during their capstone course, will review the collected artifacts in order to reflect and to make connections across the courses. In order to continue a successful roll-out of the GEP requirement across the curriculum, we seek instructors teaching one or more general education courses during the Fall 2023 semester to share assignments designed to meet targeted general education goals, to develop reflection prompts, and to provide feedback on their experience teaching with GEP. The cohort will meet 3 times, share examples of GEP artifacts, reflections, and in-process portfolios, work with WCU’s e-Portfolio team to develop a bank of model portfolios and related resources to assist with the GEP full-scale roll-out, and otherwise provide formal and informal feedback.  

The deadline for WCU faculty interested in participating in this FLC to submit applications was August 25, 2023.

Questions about this FLC or the application process should be directed to Janneken Smucker, ePortfolio Director.

Expectations of Participants

  • Attend 3 FLC meetings: late August, early November, December/January
  • Fill out pre- and post-questionnaires 
  • Create own portfolio using Google Sites as a way of understanding the concepts and practices of e-portfolio  
  • Develop and share strategies for introducing GEP in your courses 
  • Administer end-of-semester survey to General Education course students 
  • Submit sample assignments, reflection prompts, and model portfolios 
  • Provide formal and informal feedback on the use and roll-out of GEP 
  • Enthusiastically disseminate knowledge and experiences regarding GEP to colleagues and recruit participants for future cohorts 


Pedagogical Innovations Faculty Learning Community

The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) are pleased to announce a call for applications for faculty to participate in a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) to investigate the effectiveness of pedagogical innovations. Pedagogical innovations are intentional actions undertaken to improve students’ learning in a sustainable manner to address specific barriers or challenges to student success (Walder, 2014). The goal of this project is to scale up pedagogical innovations developed by WCU faculty to improve student engagement and retention in courses. Faculty selected to participate in the FLC will engage with an interdisciplinary group of faculty peers in this collaborative learning opportunity. The cohort of faculty will share resources, guidance, and support while carrying out research on the effectiveness and implementation of innovative teaching strategies on student engagement in the classroom. This project is funded through the Provost’s Enrollment Planning Investment (PEPI) grant initiative.

This project will run in a two-year cycle beginning Fall 2023 and ending in Spring 2025. During the project, participants will:

  • Participate in a series of monthly meetings to discuss a range of topics related to scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), pedagogical innovation, and student engagement.
  • Develop and pilot an innovative pedagogical strategy for increasing student engagement and retention.
  • Design and conduct a research study to assess effectiveness and impact of your selected strategy on student engagement and retention.
  • Share research findings at WCU and beyond.

The deadline for WCU faculty interested in participating in this FLC to submit applications was on July 31, 2023.

If you have any questions about this FLC, please contact the Teaching and Learning Center at

Expectations of Participants

FLC Participants are expected to:

  • Attend all FLC meetings (in person, or virtually, as necessary) every month during the academic year,
  • Actively contribute to FLC discussions,
  • Contribute resources, such as articles and readings,
  • Participate in peer review of research designs, articles and/or presentations,
  • Submit to IRB to conduct research and present findings
  • Share research findings on pedagogical innovations to advance student engagement and retention at WCU and beyond,
  • Be willing, after completion of the SoTL FLC program, to mentor other faculty who are interested in learning about SoTL and conducting their own SoTL projects.

Potential Topics

Reading materials will be provided to FLC participants. We invite participants to suggest changes and/or additions to the list of topics.

  • Faculty learning communities
  • Principles and practice of SoTL
  • Pedagogical innovation
  • Student engagement
  • Metacognition and self-regulation
  • Active learning
  • Growth mindset
  • Motivation theories
  • Sociocultural and inclusive approaches to teaching and learning
  • Creating your research design
  • Writing up and presenting your research