Things to Consider When Planning Your Event

Public Safety

  • Public Safety will attend the SPARC meeting and will reach out to the Event Specialist directly if they will require them to be at their event.
  • Public Safety staffing is determined in collaboration with each student organization during the pre-event meeting. The more detail that can be provided in this meeting, the more accurate the staffing. Each event is unique, so the determination of staffing will follow these criteria:
  • You will then meet with Public Safety at least two weeks prior to your event or it will not be confirmed.
  • Public Safety staffing is determined in collaboration with each student organization during this meeting. The more detail that is provided during this meeting, the more accurate the staffing. Each event is unique, but will follow these criteria in the determination:
    • Number of officers needed per projected attendees (1 officer per 50 people)
    • History of issues at past organization events similar in nature
    • Scope of each area of the Special Event definition. For example, if you have 200 attendees, different admission price for non-WCU attendees, admission fees collected in cash, and unstructured seating, that is four major areas for Public Safety to monitor.
    • The price will be $48 per hour per officer for a maximum of 3 officers. This amount is based on the standard hourly rate of overtime calculated by the officers' union contract.
    • Invoices will be sent to Student Services, Inc. and must be paid by the end of the semester. Failure to pay will result in the loss of privileges to have a dance, party, or event until the bill is paid. 
    • A quote can be requested by the student organization during the pre-event meeting.
  • If you are hosting a party or late-night event, you will also need to do a walkthrough.
  • Please reach out to Sgt. James Audette with any Public Safety questions or concerns around student organization events.

Amplified Sound

  • Be sure to research when the sound ordinances are in effect for outdoor amplified sound depending on your events date, time, and location.
  • You can reach out to your space manager to ask about how to navigate this.

Time and Date

  • To ensure academic success, no special events will be approved during reading days, fall or winter break, or during finals week.
  • Special events may only occur until 12 AM on Sunday – Thursday.
    • Please talk to your space manager about when the space closes and if accommodations can be made.
  • On Fridays and Saturdays, special events may occur until 12:30 AM, but must conclude around 12:15 AM.
  • During major University events (Homecoming, Welcome Week, Graduation, Ramboree, Home Football Games), special events that require Public Safety may not occur due to the officers’ capacity to work all events.
    • Please check the dates of these events on the University website before submitting a space reservation and the special event form.

Financial Policies

  • Make sure you follow the SGA Financial Policies and Procedures and if you have an SSI account you follow the SSI Policies and Procedures.
  • Any services occurring at your event that includes a performer, DJ, novelty, or outside vendor MUST provide a contract to Donna Snyder.
    • No contracts are to be signed by students. Doing so could put you at legal risk.
  • SSI only utilizes Venmo as an electronic payment application that will go into your SSI account. You can have students Venmo (@wcu-ssi) with your SSI number and what the purchase is for and the money will go into your SSI account.
  • If you are selling tickets, you can do that through the SSI Service Center window on the bottom floor of Sykes. They will be able to set-up the price, dates, etc.
  • The reason it is important to use Venmo and the ticket window and not other sites is to avoid organization money going into a personal checking or savings account.
  • If you collect cash, all cash must be collected and deposited into your SSI account at the SSI Service Center before leaving the event.
    • You can get a cash box from the SSI Service Center during the hours of 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Monday-Friday.
    • You can drop it off outside of those hours at a slot at the SSI Service Center.

Need More Money?

  • If you are a non-selective organization, you can apply for an auxiliary budget once per semester from SGA here!
  • Be specific in what you need so that SGA can make a decision with the most information.
  • You can also fundraise! Please be sure to follow the policies above and that all fundraised money goes into the SSI account by either Venmo, a check written to SSI with your account number, or cash/ticket sales at the SSI ticket window.


  • Please check if food is permitted in the space of your event before purchasing food.
  • You must clean up all food and food items after an event.
  • Aramark/New Street Catering has the right of first refusal.
  • You may NOT have food from a non-commercial, unlicensed facility/setting at your events due to Chester County Health Department regulations and food safety.
  • You may generally sell food items such as baked goods, soft pretzels, water ice with disposable scooper, and other items that are pre-packaged that do not have to stay temperature controlled.
  • When having food served at events, please follow proper food handing guidelines such as:
    • Washing your hands
    • Using disposable gloves (food-grade), tongs, etc. to touch food
    • Covering food at all times


  • Use, sale, exchange, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages on-campus or off-campus, if such off-campus use violates local, state, or federal law is prohibited. Any violation of the University’s alcohol policy, outlined in Code of Conduct, shall be construed as a violation of this section. In the absence of extraordinary or mitigating circumstances, a sanction of suspension or expulsion will be imposed on any student found guilty of providing alcohol to minors.
  • Alcohol is not allowed, unless approved by the President’s Office, on the West Chester University campus and it is a violation of this policy to possess alcohol. Demonstrating that a student has knowledge of the location of alcohol and the intent to exercise control over the alcohol shall constitute possession

Unaccompanied Minors


  • If your student organization is hosting a conference or an event for an outside entity or headquarters, that must go through Conference Services. 
  • Please know there may be a fee attached to this.
  • Contact Mary Beth Kurimay, Director of Conference Services, with any questions.

Work Orders (Tables, Chairs, Electricity, Custodial, Etc.)

  • Space managers will generally submit your work orders for tables, chairs, custodial, electric, etc. for you if they are in non-academic buildings or concert theater after you meet with them (Sykes, Rec Center, Purple Gym, Academic Quad, Res Quad, Asplundh, Swope Performance areas, etc.)
  • If your event is in an academic building (Main Hall, SECC 108, etc.), you must submit your own work order here.


  • There are a variety of ways to market your organization events. Remember, only those who follow you on social media will see your posts so it is important to find other ways to market, as well.
  • Consider creating an event on RamConnect and sending an email to your portal's members with the event attached. Always make sure click "show event in event slider" to make sure it appears on the home page.
  • Have your faculty/staff advisor submit your advertisement to be on the digital screens around campus on Service Now.
  • Get your flyers approved per building on campus before putting them up. Usually you can go to the front desk or administrative office of each building to do that. Please do not put in flyers in the Residence Halls; instead, go to 202 Lawrence to talk to staff there about the process.
  • You can reserve banner spots on 25 Live for Sykes Student Union. You can put your banner either outside on the railing or inside hanging over the staircase.
  • Consider submitting your advertisement in the Ram Roundup which gets sent to all students weekly. 

Spirit Enhancements


Specific Events with Additional Policies and Procedures

5ks or Races that Occur on Campus

Movie and TV Showings

Expressive Activity

Late Night Events (Dances/Parties)


  • Late night events may take place in Sykes Ballrooms or Ehinger Gym (Purple Gym).


  • All parties must end by 12:30 AM will full lights on and music off. All attendees must vacate the space by 1 AM. If you are having your party until 1 AM, you may begin the party as early as 9 PM.


  • Attendees may enter when they have:
    • Valid RamNetID (may enter at any time)
    • Valid ID from another college or university (must enter the event prior to midnight)
    • Valid State issued ID
    • Only WCU students with ID will be permitted inside after midnight.
    • No one under 17 admitted

Ratio of Officers

  • 1 officer per 50 people
  • Please be accurate in your estimation of attendees.

Event Hosts

  • Sponsoring organizations must have students responsible for host duties, based on the number of attendees:
    • Events with up to 199 guests: minimum of 4 hosts
    • Events with 200-299 guests: minimum of 5 hosts
    • Events with 300-399 guests: minimum of 6 hosts
    • Events with 400-500 guests: minimum of 7 hosts
  • It is the responsibility of the students sponsoring the event to remain out front of the event and are required to be responsible for checking ID’s and administering wristbands for all guests entering the event. An officer will stand by to assist the student if they run into any disruptive students/visitors.
  • It is the organization’s responsibility to assist Public Safety when called upon to usher guests out at the conclusion of the event.

Event Access

  • Metal detectors and ID scanning will be used when deemed appropriate by Public Safety.
  • Officers are to perform cursory search of all large bags bulging jackets or coats.
  • No one is allowed to enter the event with open containers or glass bottles, or anything that can be used as a weapon.
  • No one that appears inebriated will be allowed to enter the event. This can be determined by either Public Safety or the event hosts.
  • Anyone found with alcohol or drugs will be arrested.

Walk Through

  • Student hosts need to coordinate a walk-through with Public Safety and the space manager of the location, to take place no later than one week prior to the event. The student hosts need to set the date of this walk through by the time the initial meeting is set two weeks prior to the event.


  • Proper lighting MUST be maintained in all facilities during all dances/parties. Programs held in Ehinger Gymnasium MUST keep one set of balcony lights on.
  • In Sykes Student Union, the Student Director and Public Safety will coordinate safety needs with the group’s requests in setting a desired level of lighting. Safety MUST always be the first concern.


  • All advertising must be approved by the Public Safety before posting. Advertising is NOT PERMITTED on the area radio station, except WCUR and must meet the guidelines detailed in the “Advertising and Signage” policy on the University Affairs Event Planning site. Flyers must state the following on the flyer:
    • Maximum guests permitted, Ehinger 400 and Sykes Ballrooms 500
    • RamNetID, picture ID from another college or government-issued ID required
    • All IDs will be scanned
    • Metal detectors in use
    • No one under 17 admitted

Event Capacity

  • Maximum guests permitted, Ehinger Gym 400 and Sykes Ballrooms 500.
    • RamNetID, picture ID from another college, or government-issued ID required
    • All IDs will be scanned
    • Metal detectors in use
    • No one under 17 admitted.


  • It is the organization’s responsibility to issue wristbands for each guest and themselves (provided by Public Safety).
    • All wristbands need to be accounted for.
    • The maximum number of individuals permitted is 400 for Ehinger Gym and 500 for Sykes Ballrooms.
    • Once they have all been issued, there will be NO further admission.


  • The practice of paying an artist (DJ, band, etc.) with cash or personal checks “under the table” is not permitted. All performers receiving compensation for services must have a contract. Sample contracts can be obtained on the SSI website.
  • DJ will be placed in the balcony of Ehinger Gym and area blocked off for access.