lab members


Principal Investigator

Michael Gawrysiak, PhD

Dr. Gawrysiak is Associate Professor of Psychology at West Chester University of Pennsylvania and Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. His clinical practice and program of research is organized around the implementation of mindfulness-based interventions for trauma, drug-alcohol misuse, and depression. Dr. Gawrysiak is currently principal investigator on a NIH-NIDA funded clinical trial examining the efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) for opioid use disorder. He is also actively involved in collaborative efforts to study the benefits of participating in traditional Tibetan Bon meditation practices. He regularly facilitates mindfulness programming for drug-alcohol misuse and depression for the public and is actively engaged in personal study of contemplative practices.

Faculty Profile


Graduate Student

Sam Wayne

 Sam Wayne is a fifth-year PsyD student at West Chester University and is currently completing a pre-doctoral internship at a student counseling center in Philadelphia, PA. He previously worked as a graduate assistant in the BRAIN-MAP Lab. Sam’s clinical and research interests lie in substance use, anxiety-based disorders, and mindfulness.


Graduate Student

Alice Laughlin, MS

Alice Laughlin is a fourth-year doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology PsyD program at West Chester University. In 2013, she received her Bachelor of Arts in Neuroscience at Swarthmore College. Alice previously worked as a doctoral student clinician at West Chester Community Mental Health Services and as a graduate research assistant in the BRAIN-MAP Lab in the Department of Psychology. Her clinical and research interests include anxiety, depression, emotion regulation, and mindfulness-based interventions.


Graduate Student

Michael Szczechowski, MS

Michael Szczechowski is a fourth-year doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology PsyD program at West Chester University. In 2020, he earned a B.S. in Neuroscience and B.A. in Philosophy at the University of Delaware. Michael previously worked as a doctoral student clinician at West Chester Community Mental Health Services and as a graduate research assistant in the BRAIN-MAP Lab in the Department of Psychology. His clinical and research interests include depression, substance use, trauma, meditation, and mindfulness-based interventions.



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