Lab Products & Publications

Peer-Reviewed Research Publications

PUBMED Profile

Enviromental Suppression Mediates the Relationship Between Posttraumatic Stress and Cannabis Use Among Trauma-Exposed College Students 

Gawrysiak M., Loomis D., Ehmann S., Wayne S., Armao M.

National Library of Medicine (2024)

Mindfulness Facets Differentially Mediate the Relationship Between Averse Childhood Experiences and Cannabis Use Severity

Gawrysiak M., Loomis D., Armao M., Gillooly E., Kearns L., Walsh J.

Mindfulness (2023) 

Trauma Exposure among Cannabis Use Disorder Individuals was Associated with a Craving-Correlated non-habituating Amygdala Response to Aversive Cues

Regier, P. S., Gawrysiak M. J., Jagannathan K., Childress A. R., Franklin T. R., Wetherill R. R.

National Library of Medicine (2022) 

3-Doors Compassion Project: Examining the longitudinal effects of a nine-month Tibetan mind-body meditation program

M. Gawrysiak, R. T. Pohlig, A. Chaoul, M. Vaughn, G. Rocco, C. Clark, S. Grassetti, D. Petrovitch & T. Wangyal

Current Psychology (2021) [PDF]

Parental Advice to Preadolescent Bystanders about How to Intervene during Bullying Differs by Form of Bullying

Grassetti, S.N., Hubbard, J.A., Docimo, M.A., Bookhout, M.K., Swift, L.E., & Gawrysiak, M.J. 

Social Development (2019) [PDF]

The many facets of mindfulness and the prediction of change during Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

Gawrysiak, M.J., Grassetti, S.N., Greeson, J., Shorey, R.C., & Baime, M.J.

Journal of Clinical Psychology (2018) [PDF]

Unseen Scars: Cocaine patients with prior trauma evidence heightened resting state functional connectivity (RSFC) between the amygdala and limbic-striatal regions.

Gawrysiak, M.J., Jagannathan, K., Regier, P., Suh, J., Vickery, T., Kampman, K., & Childress, A.R.

Drug & Alcohol Dependence (2017) [PDF]

Multi-site exploration of sex differences in brain reactivity to smoking cues: Consensus across sites and methodologies.

Dumais, K., Franklin, T., Jagannathan, K., Hager, N., Gawrysiak, M., Betts, J.,…Wetherill, R. 

Drug & Alcohol Dependence (2017) [PDF]

Experiential avoidance, distress tolerance, and substance use cravings among adults in residential treatment for substance use disorders.

Shorey, R.C., Gawrysiak, M. J., Elmquist, J., Brem, M.J., Anderson, S., & Stuart, G. L.

Journal of Addictive Diseases (2017)

Caregivers’ advice and children’s bystander behaviors during bullying incidents.

Grassetti, S.N., Hubbard, J.A., Smith, M.A., Bookhout, M.K., Swift, L.E., & Gawrysiak, M.J.

Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (2017) [PDF]

A randomized controlled trial of a mindfulness and acceptance group therapy for residential substance use patients.

Shorey, R.C., Elmquist, J., Gawrysiak, M.J., Strauss, C., Haynes, E., Anderson, S., & Stuart, G.L. 

Substance Use & Misuse (2017) [PDF]

Emotional, physical, and sexual abuse are associated with a heightened limbic response to cocaine cues.

Reigier, P.S., Monge, Z.A., Franklin, T.R., Wetherill, R., Teitelman, A., Jagannathan, K., Suh, J.S., Wang, Z., Young, K., Gawrysiak, M.,…Childress, A.R.

Addiction Biology (2017)  [PDF] [DOI]

Fractional Anisotropy Fiber Integration (FAFI) Improves Detection of Heterogeneous White Matter Alteration.

Nucifora, P.G.P., Ware, J.B., Gawrysiak, M.J., Whipple, E., Wolf, R.L., Biester, R.C., Ross, R.J., & Robinson, K.M.

Journal of Neurosurgery Imaging and Techniques (2016) [PDF]

The relationship between mindfulness and compulsive sexual behavior in a sample of men in treatment for substance use.

Shorey, R., Elmquist, J., Gawrysiak, M., Anderson, S., & Stuart, G.

Mindfulness (2016) [PDF]

The relationship between dispositional mindfulness, borderline personality features, and suicidal ideation: An examination in a sample of women in residential substance use treatment.

Shorey, R., Elmquist, J., Wolford-Clevenger, C., Gawrysiak, M., Anderson, S., & Stuart, G.L.

Psychiatry Research (2016) [PDF]

Dimensions of distress tolerance and the moderating effects on Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR).

Gawrysiak, M.J., Leong, S., Grassetti, S.N., Wei, M., & Baime, M.J.

 Anxiety, Stress, & Coping (2015) [PDF]

Dispositional mindfulness, spirituality, and substance use in predicting depressive symptoms in a treatment seeking sample.

Shorey, R. C., Gawrysiak, M. J., Anderson, S., & Stuart, G. L.

Journal of Clinical Psychology (2015) [PDF]

Functional neuroimaging of personally relevant stimuli in a pediatric case of impaired awareness.

Nicholas, C., McLaren, D., Gawrysiak, M., Rogers, B., Dougherty, J., & Nash, M.

Brain Injury (2014)

Pragmatic psychodynamic psychotherapy for a depressed breast cancer patient: Functional MRI evaluation of treatment effects.

Gawrysiak, M. J., Swan, S. S., Nicholas, C. R. N., Rogers, B. P., Dougherty, J. H. & Hopko, D. R.

American Journal of Psychotherapy (2013) [PDF]

Outcomes of prolonged exposure therapy for veterans with PTSD.

Goodson, J. T., Lefkowitz, C. M., Helstrom, A. W., & Gawrysiak, M. J.

Journal of Traumatic Stress (2013) [PDF]

Neural changes following behavioral activation for a depressed breast cancer patient: A functional MRI case study.

Gawrysiak, M. J., Carvalho, J. P., Rogers, B. P., Nicholas, C. R. N., Dougherty, J., & Hopko, D. R.

Case Reports in Psychiatry (2012) [PDF]

Behavior activation and problem-solving therapy for depressed breast cancer patients: Randomized controlled trial.

Hopko, D. R., Armento, M. E. A., Robertson, S. M. C., Ryba, M., Carvalho, J. P., Colman, L., Mullane, C., Gawrysiak, M., Bell, J. L., McNulty, J. K., & Lejuez, C. W.

The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (2011) [PDF]

The Reward Probability index: Design and validation of a scale measuring access to environmental reinforcement.

Carvalho, J. P., Gawrysiak, M. J., Hellmuth, J. C., McNulty, J. K., Magidson, J., Lejuez, C. W., & Hopko, D. R.

Behavior Therapy (2011) [PDF]

Behavioral activation for moderately depressed university students: Randomized controlled trial.

Gawrysiak, M. J., Nicholas, C. R. N., & Hopko, D. R.

Journal of Counseling Psychology (2009 [PDF]

Conference Abstract Submissions

Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) Individuals with Prior Trauma Show Heightened Amygdala Reactivity to Backward-Masked Aversive Cues.

Gawrysiak, M. J., Regier, P., Jagannathan, K., Darnley, S., Childress, A.R., Nutor, C., Franklin, T., & Wetherill, R. (June, 2019).

Oral presentation submitted for the 82nd Annual meeting for the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), Hollywood, FL.

How Can LGBTQ+-focused Programming Continue to Improve?: A Needs Assessment of a Rural LGBTQ+ Community.

Tennity, C., Grassetti, S.N., & Gawrysiak, M.J (2019, November).

Poster presentation for The Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 53rd Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.

Assessing Stigma Towards Mental Illness Among College Students: Implications of Trait Mindfulness and Race on Self-Reported Stigma.

Laconi, R.L., Loomis, D.R., Getz, Z.E., Jules, N. P., & Gawrysiak, M.J. (November, 2019). 

Poster presentation for the 53rd Annual meeting for the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), Atlanta, GA.

Mindfulness and Prescription Drug Misuse (PDM): Examining Associations Between Trait Mindfulness, Environmental Suppression, and PDM Among College Students.

Getz, Z.E. & Gawrysiak, M.J. (November, 2019). 

Poster presentation for the 53rd Annual meeting for the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), Atlanta, GA.

Mindfulness and Marijuana: Examining How Trait-Mindfulness and Marijuana Motives Predicts Marijuana Use Severity Among College Students.

Marks, E., Getz, Z.E., Jules, N., & Gawrysiak, M.J. (November, 2019). 

Poster presentation for the 53rd Annual meeting for the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), Atlanta, GA.

Exploring measures of gender identity in adolescents.

Sloat, K., Grassetti, S., Tennity, C., & Gawrysiak, M.J. (July, 2019).

Presentation at the 4th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Institute (SURI) closing ceremony, West Chester, PA. PDF

Effects of Mindfully Practiced Yoga on Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, Self-Criticism and Depressed Mood.

Cain, B., Quin, M., & Gawrysiak, M.J. (April, 2019).

Poster presentation for the West Chester University Research Day, West Chester, PA.

Mindfulness and prescription drug misuse (PDM): Examining associations between trait mindfulness, environmental suppression, and PDM among college students.

Getz, Z.E. & Gawrysiak, M.J.(April, 2019).

Poster presentation for the West Chester University Research Day, West Chester, PA.

Mindfulness and marijuana: Examining how trait-mindfulness and marijuana motives predicts marijuana use severity among college students.

Marks, E., Getz, Z.E., Jules, N., & Gawrysiak, M.J. (April, 2019). 

Poster presentation for the West Chester University Research Day, West Chester, PA.

Turning in to an unheard population: Improving research methods to assess LGBTQ needs in Chester County.

Sloat, K., Grassetti, S.N., & Gawrysiak, M.J. (2019, April).

Oral presentation for the West Chester University SRCA Conference.

Addiction and mental health: A brief study of variables that may influence treatment and relapse vulnerability.

Marks, E., Boden, M., & Gawrysiak, M. (November, 2018).

Poster presentation for the West Chester University Research Day, West Chester, PA.

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