With ServiceNow is in place, will I still be able to call the Help Desk?
Yes, you can still reach an IS&T consultant by calling 610-436-3350, and you will now have the added convenience to submit a request or incident through ServiceNow. ServiceNow is available 24 hours /day and allows you to monitor the progress and status of requests and incidents.
Will I receive emails related to my incidents and requests?
Yes, the emails will appear with a WCU Service Now logo, details of the request/incident, and a link contained in a blue box that will take you directly to the request/incident in Service now once you are logged into ServiceNow. You can also log into ServiceNow to check on progress.
If I cannot log into ServiceNow, how can I reach the IS&T Help Desk?
Urgent matters and emergencies can still be reported by calling the Help Desk at 610-436-3350.
If I call the IS&T Help Desk and do not reach a live consultant, can I leave a voicemail?
Yes, you will continue to have the ability to leave voicemail messages which automatically generate an incident. The IS&T Help Desk will follow up with you as soon as possible.
What if I am unsure of how to use ServiceNow or how to locate something I need to request using ServiceNow?
Guides are available under the Navigating ServiceNow or on the left side navigation of this site. You can also speak to an IS&T consultant by calling 610-436-3350. They will be happy to assist you.
How do I make purchase requests, order parts, and order software?
Log into https://wcupaprod.service-now.com and make these requests by choosing "Request Services or Equipment", choosing the appropriate selection, and submitting the form and using the cart to complete the orders. You will receive a confirmation email for each order submitted.