The "type" dropdown will default to student, but you can use the dropdown to search
for advisors, professors, etc...
Use this group of filters to search for students by personal identifying information,
such as name, ID, gender, race, category, or tag.
Objective: Find students that are in a specific category or are associated with a
specific tag. Categories list students by various attributes such as athlete, first
gen, asp, or by the college, registration dates per classification, etc... Review
the list and choose the category that best fits your search. Categories and tags are
updated as needed.
Advisors might use this search to identify students that are associated with a specific
group on campus that have completed specific milestones.
Example: Students in the baseball category who are tagged Study Abroad

Objective: Find students on a specific student list.
An advisor might use this search to determine which students on his or her student
list may be in a given category, have a GPA, or is nearing the graduation credit threshold.
Example: Students on the ‘Test 7.24.2018’ student list who are Study Abroad

Create logic statements to search for students by their enrollment status in a variety
of terms.
Objective: Find students enrolled in the current semester

Objective: Find students that were enrolled in a past semester but are not enrolled
in the current semester
Advisors might use this search to identify students that were previously enrolled
in taking courses but have not returned to school for the current semester. These
students might benefit from a second-look to determine why they did not persist.
Example: Students that were enrolled in Fall Semester 2016 but are not enrolled in Spring
Semester 2017

Combine elements of this filter to search for students based on areas of study, including
college affiliation (shows college departments), degree, concentration, or major.
Objective: Find students that are enrolled in a specific major or group of majors.
Faculty might use this search to see students that are currently enrolled in majors
within the department they oversee. To compare the number of students currently enrolled
in a given major to the number enrolled in past terms, add additional Enrollment History

Search using these filters to segment student groups by GPA, credits earned, and hours
Objective: Find students that have a GPA within specific range
Advisors might use this search to identify students in the ‘murky middle’ so that
they can run targeted advising campaigns.

Objective: Find students that have earned credits within specific range
Advisors might use this search to identify students who are nearing graduation to
remind them about any graduation-related applications.

Select conditions within this group of filters to run a search for students using
information associated with a specific term.
Objective: Find students that were enrolled in a course with a specific professor
in the previous term.
Faculty might use this search to identify students who took one of their courses in
a past term.

It is important to remember that any additional filters you select within the Term
Data bucket are associated with the term you have selected. In this instance, we are
searching for students who were enrolled in a past course with Professor Kilpatrick
in Fall Semester 2016. The students who return in the results will fit the parameters
of this search, but their current data will display.
Utilize this group of filters to query students based on courses, section, and status.
Objective: Find students that registered for a specific course in a previous or current
Advisors might use this search to identify students who have not yet registered for
an important required course for a given major.

Advisors might add additional filters to identify students who are registered for
a specific course in an upcoming semester but withdrew from a prerequisite course
in a previous term.

Enter information into fields in this bucket to pull lists of students with specific
relationships to a staff member or students lacking that relationship
Objective: Find students that are assigned to an advisor.
Advisors might use this search to identify students who have been assigned to them
for a given semester.
You can use the dropdown to choose Advisor - which will include both major and minor
advisors, or scroll further down the list to see minor advisor. The list you create
can be customized very easily.

Run a search using these filters to identify students based on predicted risk level
or success marker completion status.
Objective: Find students that have an upcoming success marker and a specific risk
Advisors might use this search to identify students who have important key courses
coming up and might need additional support.

Enter information into fields in this bucket to pull lists of students based on post-degree
goals, favorite fields, or favorite majors (must have Smart Guidance)
Objective: Find students that share a favorite field.
Advisors might use this search to identify students who might be interested in programs
in their department

Enter information into fields in this bucket to pull lists of students based on their
responses to poll and survey questions. This bucket requires Smart Guidance to work.
Objective: Find students who feel overwhelmed this term.
Advisors might use this search to identify students who indicate they need help