Navigate Faculty Department Trainers
Goal: Faculty utilization of Navigate is a critical component of WCU’s student success mission. Our mission priorities of connecting students with support in a timely manner which is made possible via Navigate and utilizing student data to pivot services to meet our student needs.
Charge: To promote faculty utilization of Navigate, each college has appointed faculty members who can be college trainers. This individual would receive in-depth training on how Navigate works and the value it provides, and then be asked to incorporate training into their departments and service as a resource to their colleagues.
Group Members:
Science & Math
Science & Math
Science & Math
Science & Math
Science & Math
University College
Education & Social Work
Education & Social Work
Education & Social Work
Education & Social Work
Health Science
Health Science
Health Science
Health Science
Business & Public Management
Business & Public Management
School of Music
School of Music
Arts & Humanities
Arts & Humanities
Arts & Humanities
Arts & Humanities
Arts & Humanities
Arts & Humanities
Amy Pajewski
Md Amiruzzaman
Michael Rosario
Caitlin Brown
Teresa Donze-Reiner
Si Chen
Courtney Lloyd
Pablo Arriaza
Matthew Kruger-Ross
David Bolton
Colleen Commisso
Whitney Katirai
Danielle Yocom
Dara Dirhan
Melissa Whidden
Qi Zou
Kyle Kelly
Liz Pfaffle
Devin Arne
Taryn Myers
Jason Vanfosson
tonya thames-taylor
Innhwa Park
Gretchen Studlien-Webb
Liam Lair
Jordan Schugar