- Adding and Removing Student Names on a Navigate Appointment Campaign
- Creating an Appointment Summary
- Setting Up Appointment Campaigns
- Setting Up Faculty and Staff Office Hours
- Setting Up Faculty and Staff Office Hours (video)
- Sync Navigate and Outlook Calendars
- Sync Navigate and Outlook Calendars (video)
- Using Personal Availability Links
Concerns, Referrals, Kudos
- Assigning an Alert from a Class Roster and Ad Hoc Alerts (video)
- Concerns/Alerts, Referrals, Kudos and Cases
- Email Notifications
- Issuing a Positive Alert To a Student
- Issuing Ad Hoc Alerts
- Monitoring and Updating Cases in Navigate
- Using Action Menu and Ad Hoc Alerts
- Viewing Grade Information from Progress Reports
Emails Students Receive when an Alert, Referral, or Kudo is Raised
Alert Emails:
Alert Reasons: Low/No Attendance
Hi Student Name,
We hope this e-mail finds you well. Your "Course Number" professor is concerned that your recent absences may impact your learning and overall successful course completion. We encourage you to schedule a time to talk with your professor about how to best proceed.
Other resources you might find helpful are connecting with a Success Coach and/or with your college Student Success Coordinator.
We wish you much success for the rest of your semester.
Alert Reasons: Academic Concern
Hi Student Name,
We hope this e-mail finds you well. Your "Course Number" professor is concerned about your course progress and wants to connect.
Please schedule a time to talk with your professor about how to best proceed.
We are here to support you in this course. In addition to meeting with your professor, other resources you might find helpful are connecting with a Success Coach and/or with your college Student Success Coordinator.
We wish you much success for the rest of your semester.
Alert Reasons: Other – Please include Details in Comments
**No email is sent to the student when this alert is applied. This alert is triaged by the ASA team and if necessary, a referral is applied to the support service that would best address the concerns outlined in the comments.
Alert Reasons: Kudos/Student is doing well in a course
Hi (First Name)
Dear (Student Name),
We hope this e-mail finds you well.
Your (Course Name) professor wanted to let you know that you are doing a good job progressing through the course and wanted to give you Kudos for a job well done! Congratulations! You should be proud of your accomplishment so far.
Keep up the good work.
Counseling Referral
Dear Student Name,
(Name of the person who referred) believes that it would be helpful for you to have information about the WCU Counseling Center on campus. The Counseling Center, located in Suite 241 Lawrence Center, provides a variety of mental health services to students. The Counseling Center is a confidential resource and will not share information on whether you connect with the Counseling Center or not.
We want to acknowledge that it is normal to experience feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns and to let you know that there is support for you on campus in coping with these challenges. If interested in mental health services, students can call the Counseling Center (610-436-2301) or come into the Counseling Center to schedule a triage appointment.
A triage appointment is the first point of contact with the Counseling Center where you complete some intake forms and then you speak with a counselor for about 20-25 minutes about what's going, how counseling may be of help and discuss a plan for moving forward (whether that is counseling on campus, counseling off-campus, or another option). These appointments are being done via phone this semester. Triage hours are 1-3pm Monday-Friday, but they encourage students to contact them earlier in the day to reserve their afternoon timeslot. If you are unable to make these triage hours, still contact the Counseling Center and they will find another time for you.
If you are experiencing a life-threatening mental health emergency during business hours (Monday – Friday from 8 AM – 4 PM) and need to talk to someone immediately, please call the Counseling Center (610-436-2301) or come into the office. A mental health emergency is defined as: suicidal thoughts with plan and intent, homicidal thoughts with plan and intent to harm another, survivor of a recent traumatic event (e.g., victim of a mugging, sexual assault, recent death), or experiencing hallucinations (visual or auditory). You can also contact the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988.
We are here to support you, please let us know if you have any questions or need additional assistance.
Counseling Center – Suite 241 Lawrence Center 610-436-2301;
Tutoring Referral
Dear Student Name,
We hope this e-mail finds you well.
You were referred to our office to encourage your use of our services provided at WCU's Learning Assistance and Resource Center (LARC). The LARC provides tutoring for many WCU courses and online tutoring services. We encourage you to reach out to us at the LARC at to sign-up for an appointment or email with questions.
When a time or tutor is not available at the LARC, use, a free option for virtual 24/7, expert, individualized academic support for WCU students. You can access in any course D2L page under the "Resouces" tab.
We wish you much success this semester. We look forward to hearing from you and meeting with you soon.
Financial Aid, Billing and Payment Referral
Dear Student Name,
We hope this e-mail finds you well.
You have been recently referred to our office to receive help with your financial aid. We are here to answer your questions and support you with any of your financial aid needs. Please click here to make an appointment with one of our counselors who is ready and more than happy to assist you.
Feel free to explore some additional resources that we think would be helpful here.
We look forward to hearing from you and meeting with you soon.
Student Enrollment Concerns Referral
****No email is sent to the student, instead, a case is created and the ASA team forwards the information to the appropriate support office.
Writing Tutoring Center Referral
Dear Student Name,
Your professor recommended that you visit the writing center to better achieve your academic and professional goals. Please take a few minutes to look at your availability now and schedule your appointment at
Whether you are at the beginning of a writing assignment or in the revision process, our WCU Writing Team provides personalized support customized to your needs.
The Writing Center is located in FHG Library 251 (above Starbucks) and offers synchronous tutoring sessions in person and on Zoom.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
Success Coaching Referral
****No email is sent to the student, instead, a case is created and the ASA team forwards the information to the appropriate support office.
Career Development Center
Hello from the Career Development Center!
We look forward to working with you and providing any support, tools, resources, or encouragement you need to meet your career goals.
You may have been referred to us for questions about:
- Major choice or exploration
- Resume development
- Interview preparation
- Creating a career plan
- Finding internship or job opportunities
- Preparing for graduate school
- Any other career-related need
Check out our website ( for quick access to resources that cover some key career topics.
We also invite you to schedule an appointment through Handshake to meet with a career professional one-on-one via phone, Zoom, or in person. Meeting one on one can help you feel more confident in taking the next step toward your future.
We look forward to connecting with you soon! In the meantime, stay in touch via Instagram (@wcupacareercenter), phone (610-436-2501), or email (
All the best,
The Career Development Center Team
Referral to Library and Research Services
Dear (Insert Student Name),
We hope this email finds you well.
You have been referred to our office for research support. The University Libraries offer assistance and resources to ensure you get the guidance you need through all stages of the research process. This includes topic development, search strategies, evaluating information, and citing. You can schedule a face-to-face or online appointment with the Student Success Librarian through our website at
We wish you much success this semester. We look forward to hearing from you and meeting with you soon.
Office of Educational Accessibility (OEA)
Dear Student Name,
(Name of the person who referred) has indicated that you may benefit from additional information about accommodations available due to a disability. The Office of Educational Accessibility is available to provide support and access to all areas of the university. If you've received previous support through your school (i.e. IEP, 504, etc.), you may benefit from meeting with a member of the OEA Staff to discuss what options are available to you at West Chester. If you don't have a history of accommodation but believe that you might benefit from speaking with someone in OEA, you should also consider reaching out.
No one should delay meeting with OEA because you feel like you lack the appropriate documentation.
The Office of Educational Accessibility (OEA), located in Wayne Hall, Room 107, provides a variety of services and supports for students with disabilities including classroom accommodations, testing accommodations, and modified attendance among others.
Information about disclosure and available services is available at
Autism Support Services
Dear Student Name,
We hope this e-mail finds you well. You have recently been referred to our office for assistance with academic progress, self-advocacy, independence, executive functioning skills, and/or classroom etiquette. D-CAP staff are available to help you create goals and develop strategies for success, as well as identify any additional resources that can support you.
You can schedule in-person or virtual meetings here.
We wish you much success this semester. We look forward to hearing from you and meeting with you soon.