Navigate Glossary

Item Definition
User Roles A defined set of permissions for individuals using Navigate (e.g., “Advisor” or “Instructor”).
Availability Times that staff set within Navigate to allow scheduling. This can be for Drop-ins, Appointments, or Campaigns.
Action Menu Menu housing the primary coordination functions, such as communication, appointment scheduling, campaigns, and case management.
Location Specific area or major on campus for which an advisor would see students (not a physical location).
Categories Differentiating student attributes captured in a school’s SIS system (e.g., Veterans, Athletes, Greek life).
Notes A relevant piece of information is attached to a student’s profile in Navigate. Notes can only be viewed by staff and faculty who have this privilege.
Tags Subjective information not captured in an SIS system (e.g., Students interested in taking GREs or MCATs).
To-Dos Information is attached to a student’s profile in Navigate. To-Dos can include attachments. Only the person who issued the To-Do and the student can view the To-Do.
Lists/Student Lists A dynamic or static list of students that users can create and consistently access in the platform.
Advanced Search A search engine that allows users to enter thousands of search parameters to allow for the segmentation of the partner’s student population.
Summary Reports Summary of the content discussed during a student interaction (i.e., advising or tutoring) and logged in to Navigate.
Progress Reports Also referred to as “Early Alerts;” enables a professor or instructor to indicate how a specific student is performing in class.
Alerts A mechanism for any user (not just a professor or instructor) to draw attention to a student who may potentially be a risk due to a variety of factors.
Cases A coordinated request across users prompting action and follow-up on an alert, indicating a student is at risk. Often crosses department lines and includes areas such as Financial Aid, Counseling, etc.
Appointment Scheduling Functionality for students to easily schedule appointments with support staff (e.g., advisors) from their smartphones.
Appointment Campaign Proactive outreach strategy with a specific goal in mind, such as “Re-enroll students not yet registered for Fall”
Reports Snapshots of real-time activity happening in the site by location, service, or staff member, designed for assessment and resource allocation.
Intake Survey A self-identification process that students complete when they first open the Navigate mobile app. This intake collects additional information (e.g., “I am working part-time”) that would not be evident from the Student Information System (SIS), providing more ways to customize and target content for students.
Alerts, Concerns, and Kudos Include comments on all alerts and referrals
Kudos (Positive Alert) Add when you want to give a compliment to a student. Write your comments as if you are talking to the student.
Excessive Absences Add this alert if the student has missed 3 or more classes.
Lack of Engagement Add this alert if the student is not engaging in your course and has not responded to instructor outreach.
Missing Assignments/Low Test Scores on assignments Add this alert if the student is not turning in assignments or receiving low scores and is not responding to instructor outreach.
Other Raise if none of the other alerts apply. Please add detailed comments.
Referrals Use to refer to other offices with more expertise in the issues that need to be addressed (Undergraduate and Graduate students).
Academic Success The student has a concern about their academic success at WCU. This may include withdrawing from a class, changing a major, or adding a minor.
Student Advising Times that staff set within Navigate to allow scheduling. This can be for Drop-ins, Appointments, or Campaigns.
Student Enrollment Concern The student has expressed interest in transferring, withdrawing, or dropping below FT.
Transfer Services The student raised concerns about their transfer past and future credits.
Financial Aid and Billing/Payments The student expressed concerns about being able to pay for college or billing disputes.
Writing Center Refer students to Writing Center to improve their writing, outlining, research, and APA skills.
Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (OSSD) Referring students to OSSD does not guarantee accommodations, but staff will investigate how they can help the student be more successful
Counseling The student would benefit from services offered by WCU Counseling Services
Career Development Center Refer students who have questions about internships, changing majors, what to do after graduation, etc.
Library & Research Resources Refer students who would benefit from interacting with library staff to better understand research techniques and APA.